MON-FRI: 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM
SAT: Closed
Service Auto Air & Truck Accessories is a successful automotive air conditioning repair shop that services the Lafayette area. Our team can work on anything as small as compact cars to buses, industrial work trucks, SUVs, and 18 wheelers. This business continues to grow every day due to quality work and excellent customer service. The main growth comes from their commitment to their customers which helps them to thrive as a dependable and reliable vehicle heating and air conditioning repair shop. We also assist with truck accessories and helping to create a truck that looks and performs like you want it to.
When you hire Service Auto Air & Truck Accessories to take care of your heating and cooling auto needs, know that you are getting the most knowledgeable, experienced, and trusted technicians in the industry! We are the best in making your truck shine with a variety of truck accessories. If we don’t have it in stock, we will hustle and do our best to get it in a day or two. With reasonable prices for repairs and accessories, we look forward to creating a happy customer out of you. Call us with all of your air conditioning or heater repair needs and truck accessories! We are ASE Certified, and a member of MACS, BBB, NFIB, and LSBA.
107 West Saul Dr, Scott, LA 70583
Phone: 337 232 2665
Fax Number: 337 232 2699
MON-FRI: 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM
SAT: Closed